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You've Been Terminated. Now What?

It's estimated that two million employees are fired from their jobs every year. You're likely feeling pretty emotional if you've just been fired, especially if you have bills to pay and a family to support. It might come as a shock to your system if it is unexpected.

However, even if you thought it would happen soon, you might have been feeling dread for quite a while before getting fired.

Or maybe you feel relieved because your job wasn't working out anymore. Whatever your reaction, you might not know where to turn.

This can be confusing or stressful, especially if you feel you've been wronged by your employer.

In this article, we'll review everything you should do after getting fired. The goal is to help you take all the proper steps, get what's due to you, and get you on your way to finding another job. Read on to learn more.

Ask the Right Questions

Once you've processed the first emotions that come up after having been fired, you should use this experience as an opportunity to ask the right questions. First, you should ask your employer why they've fired you. This can be helpful for three reasons.

First, it can be helpful to get honest feedback. Even though it might be difficult, learning about the areas where you can improve will be beneficial over time. Second, suppose it turns out that you've lost your job because the company is undergoing structural changes. In that case, you'll know that this had nothing to do with your actual work performance. Third, by asking this question, you can better understand whether you need to meet with a wrongful termination lawyer.

There are a few other questions to ask. One of these is if there are any different positions available internally at the company. Another is to ask your employer if they'd be willing to write you a recommendation.

It would be best if you also asked what your final departure date is and whether your employer expects anything from you before your departure

If you believe there is cause to sue your employer (we'll get into this in a bit), then it's time to speak with an employment  lawyer.

Speak to an Employment Lawyer Before Signing Anything

If your employer offers you severance in exchange for a release of your legal claims, it is critical that you immediately contact an employment lawyer. Whatever you do, do not sign the agreement without first speaking with an employment attorney and do not attempt to negotiate terms without first seeking help from an employment lawyer. 

Consider Whether You've Been Wrongfully Terminated

One of the biggest reasons people are wrongfully terminated is discrimination. This might include discrimination based on gender, age, religion, disability or race. If you think this might apply to you, speak to an employment lawyer.

Do Not Sign a Resignation Letter

Sometimes, people consider signing a resignation letter in lieu of being fired. They do this so that they can tell potential future employers that they resigned. If you do this, there is a good chance that you will not be able to collect unemployment benefits. In addition, it will be harder to bring a wrongful termination or discrimination case against your employer.

Get Legal Help

We can help you if you have been fired for unlawful reasons. We can also help negotiate a severance package for you. The most important thing to do is speak with an employment lawyer for assistance to learn your options and the best way to proceed. To learn more about our services, contact us now.